Flower Power

Flower Power
Smile... Be Happy!

Monday, October 27, 2014


Welp... It's that time of year again. November 4th is the big day. Of course, I'm talking about voting. I know voting can be exciting because it can be a chance to influence change. So we are told. How many times have you heard the phrase: "Well, we voted them into office, so...". How about, "Well, if you don't vote, then you can't complain.". I understand the reasoning behind both statements...but I do not agree with either one. A stronger statement might be... "Well, we're getting what we deserve.". Again, I understand, but I do not agree.

Every year, encouragement to vote seems to come a great deal from Christian media sources. The Christian media seems to say that it's our sacred duty to vote, and that if we ever want the state of things to change, Christians need to stand up and do something. The mainstream media, for the most part, seems to just sling mud at each candidate. In short, whomever is sponsoring the ad wants you to take their word for it (Why not? Those ads are not cheap!). First off, I am a Christian myself; however, my views on voting are probably not what you might think.

The truth is, I no longer vote...and I have not for some time. The reasons for this are several...a couple of which, I will explain. I realize that what I just said sounds like the most unpatriotic, unchristian thing possible; but I don't believe that it is. In truth, there really is only one reason that I do not vote anymore: I have no interest in being tricked or duped into anyone else's agendas or schemes. We all want change, of course, and we all have hopes of how we can make things better...sure. But there's no question that elections cost money...and lot's of it!

In truth, I liken elections to being an attorney...your objection is to win your case, correct? And sometimes, you have to do it based on a technicality, correct? This is what your paid for, and it's how you make a living, right? It's okay...I get it. Wow! Talk about pressure! Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but when you don't win, a lot is on the line, right? To me, an election is like this, but it's multiplied by millions...literally. I mean, as in millions of dollars. Every year, we are told how much our vote makes a difference, and to an extent, I think this could be true... but something tells me that most of the average citizens out there have no money to pay thousands of dollars a plate at some political dinner, or to fund a campaign. I think most us are relatively, or very educated people, who are subject to a very poor economy, and we either have no work, or low paying jobs. What we're doing is hoping and praying that someone else with enough money and power, and influence, will actually use that influence to HELP the VOTERS. (You know, all the little guys out there who are pressured like crazy to make their vote count.).

So, like clockwork, here come all the promises, and all the hype about everything that the tired worker bees (the general public) are all dying for, like WATER during a drought, more jobs so they can AFFORD to send their kids to college, better conditions for our amazing farmers (God bless them) who cannot grow our food without the water, and more safety in our schools. Things like that. Sounds good, doesn't it? Of course! This is why everyone running for office promises these things. Folks, I've never seen any of these things come to be...never.

You know those guides that come in the mail that are supposed to explain what your vote REALLY means? How many times have you read all through that guide, and voted and then discovered you were still mislead about something it said? How many times have you been just minding your own business, just walking into the grocery store and somebody at a table with a clip board asks you if you are registered to vote? If you say no, of course, you are pressured to register. If you say yes, Heaven help you because suddenly they NEED your signature for one petition that they incoherently explain, and then they transform this into three or four signatures for OTHER things that you may or may not agree with, and unbeknownst to you, they are receiving "cool points" based on the political party you say you belong to. I learned that this means kudos for those collecting the signatures...but not for me. I used to gladly sign those things because I thought I was helping people. I've since found out though that many of these signatures in fact DON'T bring about the change that we are told they will. Now, in fairness, some of these folks do this for a charity, and they truly believe in the cause, and they want to be honest about it; but in many cases, there is payment involved based on a preset criteria they have to meet, and also many hidden agendas that the signer does not know they are agreeing or disagreeing to. Therefore, I believe that these petitions, and the voters guides, make liars out of otherwise honest citizens, who believe they are informed, and only trying to do the right thing. This is extremely unethical because we absolutely do NOT have all the information we need to make a FREE choice about what we're signing.

Forgive me, but, to all who play the "sacred responsibility" card every time there's an election: Where in Bible does it say that it's our sacred responsibility to allow someone with a hidden agenda to make a liar out of us by stealing our support? (Or our opposition, as the case might be?). But it get's worse...what about all the honest folks who thoroughly read their voters guides so that they are educated about what they're voting for? Many, MANY times, in the end, the issues voters BELIEVE they are voting for, turn out to be something else entirely, and only AFTER the wrong things are put in place does the media "uncover" the "changes" that were made. Ironically, this is the same media that both promotes, and slings mud at both the candidates and the issues. How does the public even know what's REALLY going on.

We really don't. So, guess what happens? Generally, a lot of favors end up going to influential people with enough money to "buy" people's votes. This is very sad, but it's true, I think. Speaking Biblically, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.". What does this have to with politicians lying and being supported by people with huge amounts of money? This is the way the world works, to be sure, but it has nothing to do with a sacred responsibility. The fact is, money talks...that's just the way it usually is. Besides, how many times have you read your voters ballad and thought, "Who is that? Wait, who is that?". Chances are, the names you don't recognize are the little guys who did not have the funds for an expensive campaign or media coverage. Are THESE the guys we should be voting for? Probably...but who knows who they are?? Staying on the Bible Belt (as it were)... When was the last time you saw a truly conservative Christian WIN at anything political? For instance, back in the day, I voted for Allen Keys for president. Remember him? No? See? My point exactly.
He was a conservative Christian who did not support abortion. It is the Christian's sacred responsibility to uphold such a candidate, correct? (you would think, right?). He had the dinero to support his campaign... That was not his issue...but because he stood for many of the things Christians stand for, I think our liberal media, where most people get ALL their political information, did not mention him. Now, the Christian media did...but his name was still buried on the ballot, under the more popular candidates who were in all the commercials. Therefore,not enough people voted for him, and he did not win.

So what happens then, to all the voters (regardless of beliefs) who's convictions are NOT reflected at all in the final outcome? I think they are left feeling as though they must now succumb to a government that bothers their conscience. In short, they DID their "sacred duty" but their voice was not listened to. (At least, it would seem). For those that win, I'm always left wondering how many of those votes were actually "bought" and paid for. This isn't an ethical, free choice... it's manipulation. Most of the time, this manipulation is NOT our fault (if ever), but, as Christians, is it our "sacred duty" to jump on this "bandwagon"? As citizens, period, is it fair to say that if we don't vote, we can't complain? Possibly, but what about all those who DID vote? Are THEY now "getting what they deserve"? I don't think so. It seems to me that we are left with political figures with really expensive campaigns that need to be paid for, and agendas we (the public) know little to nothing about.

Now, please don't misunderstand me. I am not telling anyone NOT to vote here. Be as educated as you can be, and go ahead and let your voice be heard, by all means. I am simply saying that I believe a majority of the "average Joe's" out there who DO vote, will not be listened to. I know that personally, I have become disillusioned...and I no longer WANT to vote. I am embarrassed. It's like in the book of Proverbs when it talks about wasting your wisdom on fools and only having them resent you for it. I'm just asking whether this is a "sacred responsibility" I have, or not? According to much of the Christian media I listen to, it is this sort of apathy that prevents any real changes from taking place. So if we want folks in office who actually support what we believe in, we as Christians need to really get out there and VOTE! Really? In this world of a two party system that is set up to fail? In this world of hidden agendas and big money paid out "buy" people's votes? (whether democrat or republican). It is my opinion that those in the political arena with the most money are able to have the most influence. It's sorta like in the movie "Independence Day" when the President is shown area 51. He asks where the funding for something like that comes from. Actor Judd Hirsch who plays Julius says: "You don't really think they spend twenty five thousand dollars on a hammer.". Now, of course, all of this is my opinion...I just wonder how many people share it.

So what's the solution? Hmmm... as a Christian, my view is extremely to the "right"... I know. :) I doubt I'll have "wings" when I get to Heaven but anyway, there it is. Jesus says he remembers even a cup of water given in his name. Gee, we may not be able to do this too much longer, I mean, we're running out of water quickly. Does this not prove that our resources are being stripped from us? Because, if so, then why do I want to vote? If I do, will we not still be losing water? (just as an example)? As I said at the start, elections are expensive, and more often than not, the taxpayers in this country don't know exactly what their money's being used for. So, how do we know what our vote will be used for? Hopefully, at least some of the votes counted will go towards the issues explained on the ballot, but my own better judgement tells me that there are simply no guarantees. So, this, ladies and gentleman is why I don't vote. In my opinion, there is a different kind of election that is eternally mote important. (Read John 3:16-17). God is knocking on the door of each one of our hearts, extending an invitation to us to invite him in, so he can transform us to the image of his son. (Revelation 3:20). Quite honestly, this is the "election" I would want to find out more about.