Flower Power

Flower Power
Smile... Be Happy!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Check it Out...

By now, everyone knows that president Obama has been re-elected. A lot of speculation has been going on as to whether we can handle another four years with Obama as our commander and chief. I am scared...I have to say...truly. But I will not go into all the reasons I'm worried with my own words. I would not wish to give anyone a "says you" account of what I'm talking about. I'd rather provide sources dealing with the specific things that I have seen and read so that others can decide for themselves (In other words, you don't have to take my word for it.)

In most cases a simple Google or YouTube search is very beneficial. I like to use the Start Page search engine myself because that way, your search results are not 'searched through" and you can still maintain your anonymity. For each one of these that I will list there are likely many sources out there who want to "debunk" them, or tell you that these individuals are not being truthful. Do your homework and see for yourself.

Rev. Jeremiah Wright
Bill Ayers and his parents Tom and Mary Ayers
Jerome Corsi (Authour)
Arizona Sherrif Joe Arpaio
Andrew Breitbart
George Green (former investment banker). (nohoax.com)
Alex Jones
The fringe Radio Network (online)
Red Ice Radio Network (online)
Ron Paul
Jessie Ventura
Linda Moulton Howe. (earthfiles.com)
Coast to Coast AM with George Noory (Radio)
Kevin Trudeau (KT Radio network). I don't buy anything from him,
he does have a lot of interesting things to say though.
Rick Steves (and his position on medical marijuana). (Travel's Through Europe)
The Obama Deception (DVD)
Dr. Steven Greer. (The Disclosure Project)
Kerry Cassidy and "Project Camelot"
The Blaze Radio Network. On radio and online
Dr. Edgar Bergen (Author)
Whitley Streiber (Author).
Phil Schneider (Black Projects, Govmt.)
Bilderberg Group

Okay, now, many of these things have to do with Obama, and many of them have to do with other things that are... Well, much further "out there" as you'll see. It's. A LOT to digest and take in. Much of it is very very unbelievable for sure... but many are risking their lives to get the message out there.
Also check out "Unsealed: Conspiracy Files". This is a TV show that airs Saturday nights at midnight.

This info. Is not meant to frighten, but to inform. There's a lot going on out there, and it is my opinion that if you only watch the major news networks, or read the morning paper, you simply are only getting part of the story. It's scary out there, as we all know, I'm sure. But I think it's a lot heavier than most people realize. Pray, and stay close to those who can pray with you. Stay close to your friends and family. Read the book of Revelation (it explains a lot) and get involved in a Bible believing church. Just my opinions of course, but I'm not going to give out troubling information without offering some reassurance. If you can, keep a stash of cash in the house, and stock up on water ( again, just an opinion). Anyway, all of the above explains why I am truly concerned about where we are headed in light of last night's election. Much of this is quite shocking, yes...but pray for guidance. Cling to your faith and stand firm. Take care everybody.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Edgar Bergren. Author. "The Ring Makers of Saturn."
