Flower Power

Flower Power
Smile... Be Happy!

Friday, August 16, 2013

New Direction

ME. The day that I got (what I hope) is my last actual haircut.
Now, I'm hoping for just trims to take care of split ends. My hair has grown out since this pic,
(which was in March of this year).
Anyway, the tops I have are both from a time when I was slimmer.
Still cute, but don't fit quite the way I want. :)

I'm taking this in a different direction for now. I ordered a rebounder trampoline a couple days ago and it has now arrived. Ha! I was thinking that when I got it, I'd be able to jump on it for...an hour at a time, maybe? Yeah right! I'm blessed if I can make it through an entire song! But man, does it give a work out! All over...in a very short time!

So this has really got me thinking...thinking that I LOVED the body I had in high school! Now, don't misunderstand me; I'm proud of the body I have now... still tall, of course, and people have trouble guessing my age, because I don't look it. I'll take that! :). That's good! But I need a challenge, and now...I have no excuse! Before, it was that these are triple digit temps. and there isn't room to actually exercise. But the trampoline's up...and after about 4 minutes, I'm sweating already! So, I want my body from high school back...so I can ware the clothes I really want to ware and look as well in them as I did back then. I'm still a very stylin' woman...but the body I was happiest with was the one I had back then. Now, keeping in mind that clothing manufactures intentionally are MAKING clothes smaller all the time, so that we girls will BELIEVE we need to KEEP. Losing weight. ...(Oh, yes, they are!), how do I realistically do this?

I mean, when I was a in high school, sizes 6, 8 & 10 were small. Sizes 12 & 14 were a medium, and 16, 18 were large. So, by THOSE standards, I was small, back then. I'm a medium now...but not a medium by today's standards...medium by THOSE standards. By TODAY's sizes, I'm a large. Nope...don't think so. If the INDUSTRY thinks so...oh well! See ladies, a horrible trick is being played on us...and it isn't fair! Don't punish yourself for gaining a few pounds...chances are your CLOTHES aren't even the size they should be! That being said, how do I set a realistic goal for myself? I wanna be a ten. But what a ten used to be, is now a twelve! Oh snap! Hold on! So, do I not have as much work to do as I thought?? I'm a 14 now (and proud of it)!, but really, that would be a 12! So I'm looking to go down TWO sizes then...not four! So, If I shoot for a ten, (by today's standards, I'll be an 8! Thats's just wonderful enough to be amazing, but not unhealthy!...and I could ware the clothes I really wanted to.

One last thing...I've been just cutting my hair short by default, especially now that it's summer. It's always cute and wonderful, and all that (and easy to take care of, yeah, yeah yeah). But, for years, I've wanted gorgeous, long hair. Could I handle taking care of it? I've never really let myself find out. It's always ended up short because apparently, it looks so much better. It's hard for me to have long hair for a number of reasons. It would be tricky now too because of the grey that keeps creeping out. But, I've had to get used to coloring it anyway, which is no small task when it's long (and not cheap). But there is a certain picture I found...of this absolutely gorgeous color! Not that this could not be applied to short hair...but would be so much more gorgeous if my hair were long. So, I'm putting a serious effort into it. Gonna grow it long! Been looking into different things I can do to help it grow faster, that kinda thing. I figure, this can't hurt me; I need to take better care of myself, anyway (drinking more water, that kinda thing).

So, I'm going to blog it. I'll post pics, and write down the In's and out's...and the results. I'm giving myself till Christmas. Four months to become the size I really want to be. (With that trampoline, I think I can do it!) Now, of course it will take a lot longer for my hair to be the length I want; but I figure, if I shoot for Christmas, that will give me the "head start" I need! :)

I hope this might challenge someone else to maybe make their own beginning, and do something for themselves that they've been putting off.

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