Flower Power

Flower Power
Smile... Be Happy!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Extra Super Nice :)

Just saw a post that said "Peace and Goodwill... And I mean, be willingly good...extra nice.". Okay, this isn't exact, but it reminds me of a video I found yesterday about choosing to be extra nice to people. I love this idea. I think sometimes it can be a bit of a challenge to do this if someone feels pretty lousy and simply needs someone to be extra nice to them.

An interesting paradox I think. If a person has been sick or in pain for example. Sometimes our symptoms of a challenging life can consume us, and cause us to be... A pain. At least, I find this is true for me. Sometimes I have days where I feel I should apologize to people and say " I'm not always like this... Really." :). Anyway. Sometimes we need to be extra super nice, extra super grateful even though the other person/people involved may not be able to return it. Then there are times when we get to be extra super nice and make someone's day... and they are extra super nice for us too! :). It's cool because even when we're having a bad day, we can treat someone else well and hopefully feel better! :). Nice! :)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

His Family is Hurting Too

I've seen some posts today that have to do with what shooter Adam Lanza's mother should and should not have done. They say she took him target shooting and should've known better. She kept loaded weapons in the house, and (apparently) should've known better because her son was mentally ill. They say that she should have sought treatment for him, and (apparently) did not. This to me is heartbreaking because parents are human beings just like anyone else. They cannot be with their kids all the time, and must learn to trust them.

Why can't we just give this mother (who's now lost her life) the benefit of the doubt and say that she didn't know? Suppose she was just trying to to provide her son a place to live and be there to try and support him? It is quite possible that she had no idea the extent to which her son needed help, and very literally, did not know what hit her just a few days ago. In my opinion, this poor woman was only trying to protect herself and her family. Her guns (if I'm correct) were all registered and legally purchased. It seems to me that teaching her son to shoot them only proved that she was attempting to use them properly. She wanted him to know how protect himself. How could she possibly have known he'd use one on her? Goodness! Tragic. Simply tragic all the way around. It can be very difficult to tell (especially when someone is particularly reserved) whether there are certain issues going on below the surface. In the case of Lanza...there obviously were (we know now).

The anguish and anger and grief are overwhelming. Twenty six innocent people are dead, and we the public are needing to know "Why" because our hearts are bleeding for these families. For the Lanza family, they must now, in the face of their own grief, deal with the stigma and labeling by the public, because of all that could've possibly gone on in the mind of the shooter. The next question can tend to center on why his parents never got him any help when he was a child. What if they simply did not know?

For the Lanza family, not only are they grieving right along with everyone, their grief and shock are most likely severely multiplied because they are related to the shooter and to his parents. I would imagine it pretty likely that many of them are pleading with themselves, wondering whether there's anything they could've possibly done. I think that we must remember as we grieve along with the parents who've lost children, that this must be a terrible weight for the Lanza family to carry.

It grieves my heart to think that some in their anger and pain, would proclaim them guilty by association, and treat them with scorn, comparing Adam's mother to a mother who (does the RIGHT thing) and seeks help for HER son. How many individuals are simply quiet and withdrawn because of normal, human awkwardness? This is not a crime, and should not be treated as such. We cannot allow ourselves to treat everyone with cruel suspicion simply because they do not fit a mold of what we believe to be normal. Pray for the Lanza family, and all of those tragically affected by the Newtown shooting. They are human, and they are hurting too.

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Wrong People Won't Control themselves... So We Need Guns.

The tragic events of the school shooting in Connecticut now have many people expressing their views about gun control. Many seem to believe that gun control would've prevented what happened today... If only we would implement it. Everyone's thoughts and prayers go out to the families affected by this tremendous, tragic loss. Let's face it... This whole thing is extremely emotional for all of us. It's been a very dramatic day indeed. Twenty little lives have been lost. Twenty innocent people who had nothing to do with the wrath of the shooter have had their lives taken away. Of course, this isn't even counting the six adults also killed at the school, the gunman, and the gunman's father who was found dead in his home.

I understand why so many are fighting for gun CONTROL. We just want our children to be safe. The thing is, those who are criminals don't become criminals because they have abided by the law; criminals become criminals because they have broken the law. Criminals don't worry about obtaining guns legally because they will get them illegally. They BREAK the law, that's what makes them criminals, correct? They know how to jump through the hoops and do things that the law says they should not do, right? Now, say we do implement gun control... Does this mean that all guns will just disappear off the planet? No, of course not. Kinda like vinyl albums: nobody plays em anymore... But they are all over the place, and only those who have a knowledge and appreciation for them will bother looking for them.

Some people use their intelligence to do good, and some people use it to hurt others, right? So, what happens if gun control is implemented and the average Joe, law abiding citizen out there can no longer protect themselves because gun control no longer allows us to have guns? The criminals out there who know how to obtain guns ANYWAY are then going to have the upper hand! I mean, do we think that people who kill innocent children are suddenly going to become respectable because we implement gun control? It seems to me that DEFYING this authority would be a badge that any criminal would wear with pride!

My point is that criminals who know how to obtain guns the wrong way, will get them... No matter what. So, we need to be allowed to protect ourselves. Criminals know how to get a hold of guns in ways that the average citizen does not. Therefore, it seems to me, that if the average citizen is made to give up their guns in the name of gun control, criminals who know how to obtain guns in ways that most of us can't, will still be able to "jump through the hoops" to get their guns... and what do the rest of us do? What do we do if all we are trying to do is "abide" by a restriction placed on us, because we are trying to "control" those with the wrong intentions?

We who are responsible with our guns have no incorrect intentions with them... but those who murder don't give a rat's behind about that! In fact, gun control will make it much easier for them, because now, they STILL have their weapons, and we don't! I believe, we must be allowed to protect ourselves! We have the right to protect ourselves and no amount of restriction we try to place on anybody with wrong intentions, will ever prevent ALL bad things. This is terribly sad, but it's reality.

We CANNOT live in fear and let people with sick intentions (like what happened today) win! My deepest sympathies and prayers are extended to all who have suffered loss today. Heaven has some little angels tonight, and we will never forget them. Emotions are running high, and everyone seems to be scrambling to figure out what to do. My opinion is that, all of society should not have to suffer the consequences of one depraved individual. With respect, gun control is not the answer.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Love Letters

I always thought it would be so romantic to fall in love with somebody through their letters. Well, let's say letters and photographs to be fair. I'd want to get a look at their face, wouldn't you? Anyway, what if you could fall in love with somebody, through the things that they write about on any given day? Sorta like "In the Good Old Summertime.". Now, I'm not sure how those two came to start writing the letters to each other, but they actually knew each other in everyday situations... They just didn't know that they had met each other face to face. In real life, they annoyed each other like crazy. In the letters, though, they wrote each other poetry and talked about the whether, and all that they enjoyed. They "romanced" each other. And it wasn't fake. The two were discussing interests sincerely, being a lady and a gentleman, still guarded, but with just enough distance between them, that they could open up a bit. In actuality they worked together!

Anyway...I wouldn't have to have all that. I'm thinking more along the lines of two people who just began conversing, say, online, so that we're in the 21st century, and things just sorta picked up from there. Is it possible? Say they knew each others names and what they looked like, they just had never set eyes on each other face to face? Oh, and one last thing...I'm not talking about a social dating site either. No eHarmony, no, Christian Mingle. On that subject, I've experienced both. These experiences were not wasted ones; but what I've found is that it feels weird when you know you're on a site with all these other people "looking" for the same thing... and then it becomes like a hit or miss kinda deal where you're not really sure where this is going to lead to, you just have to wait and see. Okay, great, but if I'm going to do that, why don't I just randomly date, like most people... and get all sorts of butterflies in the stomach, thinking about what to wear, how to do my hair, where is he taking me? What if I'm not ready on time? Checking my mirror a hundred times wondering if there is something in my teeth...

With all due respect, I'd rather just curl up on my couch with a blanket and some take out, and a fire in the fireplace. I'll watch a long movie; it might even be "Titanic"... who knows? Anyway, this seems much more worth my while, since I'm guarantee'd to like myself, you know? Anyhow, in "The Good Old Summertime" when they were writing to each other, there was no "forum" that they had joined. No competition. They didn't put each other on the spot. They were not trying to "get" each other. They were just being themselves. Yes, they were behaving "better" than usual in the letters...but that was because they had not met each other before. They were being very cordial to each other...and elegant. I love it! They were respectful of each other (in the letters). I believe the word is "chivalry.". My problem is, the idea of actually "dating" makes me so nervous, I can't think straight. It isn't that I couldn't go on a date...I just have a terrible time doing anything where I feel as though I'm putting on an act for someone... however wonderfully I may pull it off. If someone dates and it works for them...then more power to them. For me, there's the issue of simply not meeting that many guys in the first place. I had a bad experience with a singles group once, so I'd rather not go there... But anyway.

It's much easier for me to meet people online...but I'm no fool. One has to guard themselves. We have to be careful...very. People can pretend to be anyone they want to because of the buffer of a computer screen. And sometimes, those who are not pretending to be someone else are just using the computer to be honestly cruel. I have a feeling that in "Good Old Summertime," Judy Garland and Van Johnson didn't need to have a set of rules to protect themselves from improper strokes of the pen :). But anyway. So, it's very indirect isn't it? On Facebook, for example, people seem to live to say a whole lot of "nothing" but the irony is that this may be the best way to get to know people in their everyday lives. But then you have people who don't guard themselves at all, and have no manners and have no tact. I mean, people on Facebook think it's a thrill just to add another friend, just because... why not? It's "fluff," you know? Sometimes it's shards of glass being thrown at people in the form of bullying and insults. The wrong kind of people begin fights... and well, who wants to waste their intelligence on that?

But many people, really do just want to be as honestly expressive as they can, while just encouraging someone else. They have what I call a "ministry," even if they aren't spiritual. Their Facebook posts, tweets, YouTube videos, blog posts, and anything else they have online serves a very definite purpose. They are considerate of others and use proper "nettiquette" as far as they are aware. Anyway, a lot of times, we are not guarded in everyday life, the way we are when we are on the information super highway. It can be easy to think that if you are talking to someone face to face, then you are getting to know the real them. Not necessarily. Then, sometimes it's the opposite. Sometimes we're very guarded face to face, but not guarded at all online ( maybe because we think no one can hurt us there.)

Who was it I heard just recently talking about the lost art of letter writing? Choosing a special pen, decorating the envelope, putting your perfume in a letter to your love, putting the kisses on the back, putting a drawing in it or a bookmark. Well, who does that anymore? Maybe, what I really need is a PO box! Gee how much does that cost? So, what if there's distance between people? Say, you're not right around the corner and you can't just see each other whenever? The online thing, it would seem, could be good, but since it's so difficult (apparently) to tell whether someone is being sincere, I suppose most people might not try that.

But then again... Some things never change, do they? I mean, there's the whole grey area of "Do they like me, do they not like me? Will they be angry if I say anything? ( Especially if a girl likes a guy). Is this appropriate? Will they be scared away if I say anything?" I mean, that happens when people know each other face to face, doesn't it? Can a person show someone their substance and character through computer keys? Well, I think so...but maybe that's just me. Anyway, there's still more to this story...

You see, it's happened to me. There's someone that I got to know of through You Tube videos. I've never met this person face to face. But if everything he says in his videos is true (and my better judgement tells me he's sincere) then he has a character I'd like to know better. We're not just around the corner... But it wouldn't be impossible. He's even said (in passing) that he'd like a hint... a clue, if and when a girl really liked him. I understand! But is that okay with you? (I'd like to ask). Is that okay? Would he mind? I don't know if I should. I was taught to be a lady, and step out of a guy's way. Would he respect me if I said so? A guy can do that himself, ya know? Good grief, I'm speaking in RHYME! I'm a little older; when he was born, I was in fourth grade. :). Anyway, he may be turned off by a Christian faith. If so then it wouldn't work anyway. I'm the same as anyone, I don't want to be rejected either. If I gave him any hint of clinging...HOW COULD I DO THAT?? I know he'd hate it, of course! Any man with conviction would! That's a good sign. So how could I do that? I can't! (I know). Step back, step back! :). But why would he do anything about me when he has no idea? How can I leave something to him he may or MAY NOT know about? Is that even fair? And I mean this with respect, so you know. :)

In the movie, Van Johnson knows, and he keeps it to himself, so Judy Garland just thinks he keeps standing her up. They keep making plans to meet and he doesn't show. The thing is... He comes! He watches her trough the window each time, and she doesn't even know. I can't make any videos, I simply don't have the camera. I'd love to get letters from this guy... But of course, I'm no fool. That crosses a line of personal information. (and, who does that anymore?) Emails would be great. To message him, would be pursuing... Would it not? Or would it? I don't know, see? But to you, who I'm so glad I could "encourage", I feel very encouraged when I watch your videos about a whole "spectrum" of things. If you need another hint that a girl is into you ... Yes! Anyway, I'd love it if he'd message me, but I don't dare ask! Would I be better off if I did (ask about these things)? What if he doesn't even have a clue he makes me smile on the inside? :). Would he ever read this? I don't know. Maybe he'd rather I just said so, and was direct. Look I don't wanna step on any toes. You chase someone, and they'll run, you know?

Anyway, I don't think Van and Judy's feelings got in the way, because they already knew. Well, they knew on paper...and when they knew each other face to face... They had their letters to remind them of affection that flowed from their pens...and all the angst was forgiven. Ahhhh, if life were only like this! :)