Flower Power

Flower Power
Smile... Be Happy!

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Wrong People Won't Control themselves... So We Need Guns.

The tragic events of the school shooting in Connecticut now have many people expressing their views about gun control. Many seem to believe that gun control would've prevented what happened today... If only we would implement it. Everyone's thoughts and prayers go out to the families affected by this tremendous, tragic loss. Let's face it... This whole thing is extremely emotional for all of us. It's been a very dramatic day indeed. Twenty little lives have been lost. Twenty innocent people who had nothing to do with the wrath of the shooter have had their lives taken away. Of course, this isn't even counting the six adults also killed at the school, the gunman, and the gunman's father who was found dead in his home.

I understand why so many are fighting for gun CONTROL. We just want our children to be safe. The thing is, those who are criminals don't become criminals because they have abided by the law; criminals become criminals because they have broken the law. Criminals don't worry about obtaining guns legally because they will get them illegally. They BREAK the law, that's what makes them criminals, correct? They know how to jump through the hoops and do things that the law says they should not do, right? Now, say we do implement gun control... Does this mean that all guns will just disappear off the planet? No, of course not. Kinda like vinyl albums: nobody plays em anymore... But they are all over the place, and only those who have a knowledge and appreciation for them will bother looking for them.

Some people use their intelligence to do good, and some people use it to hurt others, right? So, what happens if gun control is implemented and the average Joe, law abiding citizen out there can no longer protect themselves because gun control no longer allows us to have guns? The criminals out there who know how to obtain guns ANYWAY are then going to have the upper hand! I mean, do we think that people who kill innocent children are suddenly going to become respectable because we implement gun control? It seems to me that DEFYING this authority would be a badge that any criminal would wear with pride!

My point is that criminals who know how to obtain guns the wrong way, will get them... No matter what. So, we need to be allowed to protect ourselves. Criminals know how to get a hold of guns in ways that the average citizen does not. Therefore, it seems to me, that if the average citizen is made to give up their guns in the name of gun control, criminals who know how to obtain guns in ways that most of us can't, will still be able to "jump through the hoops" to get their guns... and what do the rest of us do? What do we do if all we are trying to do is "abide" by a restriction placed on us, because we are trying to "control" those with the wrong intentions?

We who are responsible with our guns have no incorrect intentions with them... but those who murder don't give a rat's behind about that! In fact, gun control will make it much easier for them, because now, they STILL have their weapons, and we don't! I believe, we must be allowed to protect ourselves! We have the right to protect ourselves and no amount of restriction we try to place on anybody with wrong intentions, will ever prevent ALL bad things. This is terribly sad, but it's reality.

We CANNOT live in fear and let people with sick intentions (like what happened today) win! My deepest sympathies and prayers are extended to all who have suffered loss today. Heaven has some little angels tonight, and we will never forget them. Emotions are running high, and everyone seems to be scrambling to figure out what to do. My opinion is that, all of society should not have to suffer the consequences of one depraved individual. With respect, gun control is not the answer.

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