Flower Power

Flower Power
Smile... Be Happy!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Good Bedside Manner (How about just letting me sleep?)

I wonder why it is that some of the things we do to find rest... Don't give us any rest at all? Right now, I can't think of anything more (not) restful than a night in the hospital, for example. No, I'm not in the hospital... But I've been visiting someone in the hospital recently and I'll tell you... I am praying that she can come home ASAP. Now, anyone would do this... I know. But right now I'm speaking of the stress of being in the hospital. Bright lights, loud noises, people constantly coming in and out asking you the same questions a million times. Doctors asking off the wall questions out of nowhere and not explaining what they mean. Metal clanging, doors slamming, lights going on and off at all hours. Intercoms and alarms that are so loud, they hurt your ears and scare you awake... And then as soon as you're back to sleep, another one goes off. Nurses and doctors shouting as they are busily walking down long hallways and across rooms. Having to share a room with a family that's way too noisy... And they don't care. Where is the REST in all that?? Couple this with the fact that maybe you're hurting like hell and can't think straight. Maybe you're really out of it because of sickness or meds.

Goodness sakes! All of this... And that's not even mentioning the food (!!!). Sometimes, the thing that hurts the worst is doctors and nurses with no bedside manner. Can you try to do things quietly because you know people are asleep? Can you warn then gently when you're about to switch on a light or put something uncomfortable under their gown or against their skin? Can you check and see who a person's doctor is yourself rather than asking them while they are practically incoherent? Can you just say to your patient, "I know it hurts."? Just hearing these words can make all the difference in the world. Tell your patients WHY certain alarms go off, and turn them off if they are not necessary. No I'm not attempting to write an instruction manual for doctor's...I'm only listing things that have come to my attention that I feel probably would've helped. With all this racket going on, how is an exhausted person supposed to get any SLEEP?(Some of this is also memories of my own brief stays in the hospital.) The procedure can be minor... but a wonderful bedside manner really would make a major difference.

Retreats. Ha ha! Every retreat I've ever been on has been the most exhausting experience I've ever had! (So, I don't go on retreats anymore) :). I suppose, the first reaction by someone else might be "Gee, that's too bad, they are so much fun.". Well... Let's see...

You have to arrive at a certain time, check in at a certain time and then receive a schedule of events that all start at a certain time, which means you have to get up at a certain time. (Usually quite early). What? You wanted to sleep late because you're exhausted from the drive and whatever else happened before you got there? Nope sorry. I know you're drop dead tired...but let's go to our first session of....cabinet making (I don't know) :). Retreats are full of long lines, people shouting cause nobody can hear, packed auditorium's, bright lights, cell phones going off constantly. Damn good food, for sure... But then no time to sleep it off! :). And a bunch of activities that are supposed to be fun... But not if you're too exhausted to do them.Dude, where's the rest in that? If you're a volunteer there... forget it! There will be no rest for you! You have to arrive really early and stay late into the night. You have a name badge on and people are constantly asking you questions. Never mind any unforeseen crises that might come up.

Vacations. Wherever you might wanna pack up and go... You still gotta pack up and get there! Are you driving? Flying, taking the train? Cool. Well... They don't call it luggage for no reason, you know! Whatever your luggage actually weighs, it will probably feel 20 pounds heavier after you've stood in a long line somewhere. Chances are, whatever discomfort you experience along the way will tell you what you forgot. What is it? Pepto Bismal? Kleenex? Ibuprofen?, allergy medicine? An extra jacket?, a plastic bag?, sun screen?, bug spray? The way things are going now, just stopping to fill up can make a person not want to take vacation again. :). How much will you have to spend just on gas? Yikes! Anyway, Are you tired yet?

In my opinion, these are just some things we go through in the hopes of finding rest.... That may or may not come... We don't know. To anyone who must stay in the hospital, I do hope that you are well soon, and that you are able to sleep in your own bed. In any case, I hope you can get some sleep. :). To anyone on a retreat, I hope there are some really GOOD speakers! :). To anyone on vacation, hope you enjoy the destination, that you're not doing all the driving, and that you can sleep until you feel like waking up! :)

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